Sunday, May 1, 2016

Makin' the Moolah!!

What's good?             Money.

What's bad?              Not enough of it.

What's the difference?        Happiness.

As promised, here's some of it. I'll try not to make this too wordy, but I do want you to have the details. There are hundreds of lists out there about making money online and while these lists may provide the basics, they don't provide the real experience. I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did, so I'll let you know exactly what happened with me.

**Please Note: These are my experiences, my assumptions, what happened to me personally. The same may not happen to you, it's very possible it's just my crappy luck. All I'm saying is, travel at your own risk and beware.**

Opinion Outpost:
– This is a survey site I've used since mid-February and have had very good luck with it so far.

What's good?
-Gift cards or Cash in your Paypal account, 100 points equals $10.
-Points are awarded instantly.
-Funds are transferred fast, within hours after your initial transaction.
-Disputes are handled quickly. (I've only disputed 2 surveys, one disqualified me after already asking over 50 questions and Opinion Outpost awarded me the points. The 2nd claimed to award 30 points, yet at the end of the survey I only received 5 points. Both times I was replied to within 24 hours and my points awarded within the next 24 hours.

What's bad?
-You have to have 100 points before you can transfer any cash.
-I've found that I'll fly through the surveys, qualifying for one after the other, until I reach 85 or 90 points. Then suddenly, mysteriously, I don't qualify for a single one of the next 50 or so. Almost as if they enjoy tormenting you…..”Look you're almost there….psych!! Not really! Haha” Maybe it's just my perception, but I've reached 100 points 8 times now and it's happened every single time. It gets frustrating,.
-Before each survey, Opinion Outpost asks you half a dozen or so “Help us get to know you” questions. Which is fine, except that after the first few surveys, they're the same exact questions. Over and over, every single time. Ugh.

Survey Spot:
Almost exactly the same as Opinion Outpost.
What's good?
-Gift card or Paypal cash. 1000 points equals $10. However, they award more points per survey, so it's about the same.

What's bad?
-Many of their surveys seem geared towards people with children or minorities, so I qualify for fewer surveys.

***Survey Spot is NOT Survey Savvy. This was my experience with Survey Savvy and it may have just been an error on their part, but I didn't feel it was worth the risk to me. So...take from it what you will. I signed up with them, qualified for only one survey right away. Then received notice from Paypal requesting permission to pay an invoice they received from Survey Savvy. I denied it, contacted the survey company basically saying what gives. Received another notice from Paypal about invalid account activity. So, I deactivated my account with Survey Savvy, wrote them a nasty email, and reported them to Paypal. I've had no problems since.

Swag Bucks:

What's good?
-They pay in many, many different ways. Lots to choose from.
-Many, many ways to earn, here's just a sampling:
-Watch videos. While The Boy is at work, I'll play the videos on his computer the entire time, leaving mine free to do other work. Or play them on mine while doing housework.
-Taking surveys, lots to choose from here.
-Shopping online. I choose Amazon gift cards as payment because they require fewer Swag Bucks, then buy groceries using our Prime account and those gift cards. Using the shopping option on Swag Bucks, you earn more bucks while spending the bucks they gave you. Does that make sense?
-Search Bar. Rather than opening a tab and going to, say, Opinion Outpost that way, I type it into the Swag Bucks search bar and earn Swag Bucks from that. So I'm getting paid to go to Opinion Outpost to get paid again. I pretty much do this with all my earn online sites. However, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing this with more personal sites, but you choose.

What's bad?
-Swag Buck payments are very small and it takes a long time to build up. Since most of my earning is passive I guess that's ok. But I get impatient.
-The Boy has said that he's gotten viruses on his computer several times after I've played the videos on there. (He is unbelievably careful and picky about his computer.) But he says they're easy fixes. So beware and, again, travel at your own risk. I've had viruses on mine that he's fixed quickly, but I'm on so many different sites that….who knows. Just a heads up.
-I seem to qualify for few surveys, and their Partner Surveys, which pay the most, take forever even to get to.
-To earn the big bucks you need to participate in tasks or surveys, etc., that require too much personal information. Such as get an insurance quote, check your credit score, and so on. Nuh uh….no thank you…..not worth the risk in my opinion. However, you choose your own path. To me, better safe than sorry.

Those are three of the sites I use all the time. I've tried many others and a ton of them are just sites that take you to other survey sites that take you to other….ad nauseam. I wish I had kept track of those to share, but alas...I failed miserably there. I hope this helps any who may be interested.

Please feel free to conversate (yes, I made that up) with me about this in the comments.

As always, take your time leaving but hurry on back. :)

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