Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Meet Tally, my fat cat.

What's good?                     Tally. She's a cat.

What's bad?                       Tally is a cat.

What's the difference?       Cat people will understand.

I have a great big old fat cat. Her name is Tally, named after the main character in the Uglies book series.

Tally started out as my son's cat, belonged to the whole family when my parents and son and I all shared a house, then she became my parents' cat once we all went our separate ways as Mom couldn't let her go. Once Dad passed and Mom went into a nursing home, she reverted back to being my cat.

I may or may not be a crazy cat person, I'll never tell.

I'm pretty sure Tally just tried to get me fired. I was typing up a storm when she jumped up on the coffee table and tried to get on the keyboard. I pushed her away, she walked around behind the laptop and tried from the other side. I pushed her away again, she walked around the back again to the first side. Then she ever so sneakily tried to ease her way, head first, up under my arm onto the keyboard, as if I wouldn't notice that great big watermelon body squeezing under my arm. So I picked her up, no easy feat, and set her on the couch next to me. She was fine at first, stretching her head out onto my lap, then suddenly pounced onto the keyboard and sprawled in all her glory.

So, we had a discussion.....I won and she's now on the floor refusing to look at me. However, she won also because she not only added a few lines to what I was typing and submitted it, but made some pretty major changes to my laptop as well. She turned on airplane mode, flipped my screen sideways, opened some control panel thing, and started a word document.

Luckily, they were all easy fixes, only took me an hour and half a dozen or so gray hairs. And I was able to contact the people I was typing for, explain what happened and ask that they reassign the file to me. They were great, said they understood, and that it had already been rejected and reassigned and I should see it soon. They also suggested that should this activity continue, I demand that my cat create her own account and they'll be happy to work with her on an individual basis.

I'm still laughing. Gotta love people with a good sense of humor.

Moral of the story, when a cat wants attention.....they mean right now!!

As always, take your time leaving but hurry on back. :)