Thursday, April 28, 2016

Someone stole my motivation!!! Help!!!

What's good?  We have dishes and we ate food.

What's bad?  Many of said dishes are currently dirty and bulging from the kitchen sink.

What's the difference?  I don't know.  Maybe me?

I'm standing in the middle of the kitchen glaring with every bit of glareness I can summon at those dirty dishes, yet they absolutely refuse to wash themselves!!  So, I turn my all mighty glare upon the useless dishwasher standing insolently against the kitchen wall.  It smirks at me as it leisurely lounges about and silently asks, "Yeah?  So what if I'm broke.  Whatchu gonna to do about it?  I got me a nice, warm home and ain't gotta do squat to earn it."

"What am I going to do about it?" I reply.  "Well......apparently nothing at all since I haven't done anything yet."  

And, yes, I just had a silent conversation in my head with our broken dishwasher.  I really should see about getting someone to fix it.  But I really don't have or want to spend the money on fixing it.  So there it sits, mocking me, scoffing at the piddly weight of the empty dish drainer I force it to carry.

I realize that I'm not working now so there's no reason I can't keep up with the dishes all day.  But somehow, they've developed their own super powers and quickly overwhelmed my mediocre strengths.  

But I've been busy, honest!!  I've had many things to do and have been doing them.  We need money so I've been writing, trying to get some places to publish articles I've written.  I wrote a 600 page novel 3 years ago but never finished editing it, nor have I tried to publish it yet.  So, I've been working on editing that.  I've been doing online transcription, taking online surveys, anything and everything I can do to get some money coming in, even if only a few dollars at a time.

And I have many things I want to do.  Swimming through my thoughts right now are these cute little flower vases I want to make and try to sell.  I have all the stuff needed to make them and have even made one...yes, a whole ONE.  I want to rearrange the living room so it's more work and user friendly for me.....and prettier.  Give me a minute.....I can come up with some more excuses.

But instead of doing and finishing any one of those things, I flounder about, going from one to the next until I've completely confused myself.  And until I can't stand the gloating of those insufferably obnoxious dishes, constantly bragging about their amazing ability to grow.  Or until I have to wash one bowl just to have some ice cream because all the bowls are dirty.  Sigh.

How do you motivate yourself?  How do you force yourself to completely finish one thing and make it go away once and for all before starting the next something?  Where do you find that discipline?  And how do you maintain it?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, criticisms....well, unless it's really mean, then maybe not.....on this kryptonite of mine.

Anyway, thanks for not noticing my messy home during this visit.  I promise that next time it'll be much cleaner....probably....maybe.  Fine, fine.  All I can say is I'll try.

As always, take your time leaving but hurry on back.  :)


  1. i feel you there with my health issues motivation is a very hard thing to accomplish i have copd and type 2 diabetes both of which often keep me in this state of i don't care but i do so that helps keep me sad.

  2. Maybe together through here we can find new motivations.

  3. I could use some motivation also. But not sure where to get it. My dishes stay in sink to I have to wash them. We have no dishwasher. Just me or MR P. Lately all I do is sit in front of TV. On Computer or reading a book. HELP give me motivation.
