Thursday, April 28, 2016

First EVER post. Welcome to my home.

So, here it is.  My first ever official blog post.  

To those of you visiting me for the first time,  Welcome!!

And yes, I know that as I'm writing this that would be everyone.....or no one?  This could become confusing.  But, hopefully, soon enough, this home will grow and fill up with many people.

I guess that answers one of my questions.  The word "home" just sort of poured from my fingertips to the keyboard without thought from me.  That's a good sign.  I was trying to decide what to call this in my ramblings, considering and discarding many options.  "Blog post" just seems too, well...blah.  Daily activities?  Ugh...too much like work.  My life?  Eerrr...been done too much, I'm thinkin'.  Diary or journal?  Maybe.  I do write in a journal, perhaps too much.  You know those boxes that a case of computer paper comes in?  Well, I have one that is FULL of notebooks I've filled with my thoughts, hopes, wishes, fears, accomplishments, and disasters.

Boxing up those journals is pretty much what prompted me to start this blog.  My life is buried inside that box, scrawled on page after page in the shorthand I learned in high school 30+ years ago.  So, no, you can't peak.  Well..... you can, but it won't do you any good.

Another inspiration for starting this has been comments I've received on some of my Facebook posts.  People have told me I make them laugh, bring a smile to their face, or give them a chuckle for the day.  I have to admit, that makes me feel good and gives me something to be a little bit proud of.  The thought that I can lighten someone's existence, even if only for a second, helps me to believe I really can add a little bit of good to this crazy world we live in.  So maybe I can broaden that to a larger group of people.  And maybe not, we'll see.

I'm not going to spend time here saying much about myself, my About page pretty much sums it up.  And the rest you'll learn through the jibberish I'll most likely post.  Nor am I going to promise specific topics that will visit my "home."  Mainly because, I don't have a clue.  I'm very much a Wannabe.  I'm a wannabe writer, wannabe crafter, wannabe painter, wannabe couponer, wannabe friend, wannabe homemaker.  Wannabe sumpin!!  Just don't know what.  All I know is I'm human.  Whatever happens will happen.  Hopefully you'll gain some connection from it.  Actually, hopefully I'll gain some connection from it, too.  

And, hopefully, you'll walk away with some thoughts and some smiles to lighten your load in life.

So, thanks for visiting my home (I'm liking that more and more) and listening to my jabber.  I think this is the best type of visit with jammies and messy hair more than welcome.  So, fill your coffee cup (or stemmed glassware) with your favorite beverage, plop yourself down, and be human.

And always, take your time leaving but hurry on back.  :)
(Not my saying and I don't know who to give credit to.  But I heard it years ago and have always loved it.  So I'm openly stealing it.)